mcfuture fitness

Future Fitness Academy

This is Why Just 2 in 10 Men & Women Succeed at Keeping the Weight Off

Most before and after photos like Barry’s (right) never last.

If you’ve tried everything to shed pounds, only to find bad ‘yo-yo’ habits slowly sneak back in – every time – then here’s what you can do to finally solve your problem.

According to the National Weight Control Registry, only 20% of people who lose 10% of their body weight can maintain that loss for at least one year…

Barry is a case in point. In the photo above, he had dropped over 20 pounds in just 8 weeks. Yet just 8 weeks later, he had stacked the pounds back on again, plus some – and looked like this…

Note: He did eventually turn things around, I’ll show you exactly what happened in a moment.

Why is it so hard to stick to being healthy and looking after yourself over the long term, when it feels so good?

Why do we fail to make exercise and eating well a priority, once we start feeling comfortable in our clothes again?

Why do we relax, get bored, and slip back into eating unhealthy snacks?

The truth is…

It’s Not Your Fault – The Fitness Industry is Literally Stuck in an Old School Paradigm that Looks Like This


The reality is, it’s not the before and after that matters.

It’s the before / after / AFTER that’s the most important.

Ryan Benson, a former “Biggest Loser” winner is a case in point.

He was able to lose 122 pounds in a season, yet when Time Magazine checked in on him later he had gained roughly 90 pounds back. In fact…

Immediately after the show, He packed on 32 pounds in 5 days.

Have you had enough of focusing on short-term achievements like Ryan?

Are you ready to escape the yo-yo dieting maze and find a way to permanently keep the weight off?

So was Barry.

And after taking him through the process I’m about to show you, he has not only achieved his goal – he has kept it off for the past 4-5 years

Just like Aoife, Lynn and many of our other amazing clients

But, What Made The Difference?

It’s really quite simple. He finally realised training is just 25% of the equation for success. It’s just one piece of the puzzle.

In essence, this is…

The Single Biggest Issue With the Personal Training Industry

You focus on the training component for 1-2 hours a week, yet neglect the other 3 areas of mindset, lifestyle and nutrition (75% of the equation for success).

It’s the equivalent of attempting to maintain your balance on a one-legged chair.

It’s not your fault you haven’t been able to stick to it. It’s inevitable, based on the current system, eventually you’re going to fall on your face.

This is why I’ve created The Future Fitness Academy

The Future Fitness Academy

Every Single Thing You Need to Know to Get in the Best Shape Ever … Increase Your Confidence… Gain Muscle… and Maintain Your New Body FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE

It’s time to leave the old school paradigms of the fitness industry behind.

What most trainers think you need (and sometimes what you think you need) is completely off the mark. There is a better way…

The Old Way

  • A kick up the arse.
  • To tell you to cop on.
  • Tell you exactly what to eat and when.
  • To give it to you when you don’t do something.
  • Someone to watch your every move.
  • To be spoon fed.
  • To tell you it’s not good enough and you need to do more.
  • Constant motivation.

The New Way

  • To be educated about training and nutrition.
  • To learn how to make better food choices and control your emotions.
  • Develop habits and routines that compliment your life and make you feel better on a day-to-day basis.
  • To learn how to fit it into your lifestyle.
  • Strategies and tools to use to navigate around social situations and life in general.
  • To have support and accountability.
  • Have someone to turn to for help when you need it.

Of course, there’s no shortage of information online, via YouTube.

Yet most of this advice leaves you feeling overwhelmed with your head spinning a million miles an hour because even if the advice is good (and it’s almost impossible to know who to trust).

If You Had Cancer or a Heart Issue, Would You Turn to YouTube – or See a Specialist?

It goes without saying, right?

Because YouTube videos miss one important factor: they’re not customised.

Truth is, in order to achieve the results you desire…

You need advice based on your lifestyle, and a coach to adapt the program based on your progress, challenges and changes to the situation you’re facing.

Plus someone who will keep you accountable and help you overcome the roadblocks which will enter your path along the way. Otherwise, you’re left with…

One Hundred Ideas Bouncing Around in Your Head, But No Idea of Exactly What to Do

And this is the trap so many people fall into. They join a gym, get an initial lesson, watch some videos and do similar exercises week in and week out. Yet all too often, they end up putting in maximum effort for minimal results.

Let me show you all the components which truly set The Future Fitness Academy apart, and set you up for long term success…

Component 1: Detailed Step-by-Step Plan, Customised to You

As soon as you press the go button, you’ll receive your login details and go into our start section.
You will fill out an initial setup form.

From this we will create your 12 week action plan including your training programme, nutrition, the phase you will be in and targets and goals going forward.

Component 2: Structured Training & Nutrition

Never again will you stumble through random workouts, not knowing if it’s working.

Each program is structured over 12+ weeks and split into 2 to 3 phases, focusing on progression with tutorials for every exercise.

This will keep you constantly moving forward. And even more importantly — enjoying your training.

Now every workout will be performed with precision and certainty, so you’ll never be stuck going through the motions.

You’ll find an extensive library inside including over 301 exercise tutorials and more than 207 recipes (with all foods easy to access from your local supermarket). It would take you 6 months or more to go through all of them with different meals every day.

Component 3: Sustainable & Flexible

Everything is customised to support you in sustainably achieving your long-term goals.

So if you can only train 2-3 days a week, we won’t suggest you train for 5.

And if anything changes, like you get busy at work or move house – you can update it at anytime.

It’s flexible, and designed for the real world.

What’s more it’s fun to follow. There’s no rigid nutrition plans with plain, boring foods that force you to stick to the exact same meals every single day.

Instead, you’ll find a flexible approach to nutrition where you can eat foods you enjoy, which fit into your lifestyle and schedule.

Component 4: Accountability, Support & Education

You’ll never be left to your own devices. There will always be someone who has your back to review how your training and nutrition is going and make sure you are doing the right things.

Inside the Academy, we’ve created a support matrix to ensure you’re supported from all different directions including…

Monthly Check ins with our coaches

Weekly Accountability and daily support inside the Private FB Group

Weekly zoom calls and access to our private podcast to catch anything you miss on the replay.

In app messaging and email access for any questions or advice you need at anytime!

Our world class education HUB with over 60 hours of content on all areas of training/nutrition/lifestyle and mindset.

Educational modules on every aspect of health & fitness including sleep, alcohol, energy balance, eating out, killing cravings, eating on weekends and pretty much every topic you can think of!

You will be surrounded by a community of like minded people who will support you along the way and push you to be the best version you can be!

As you can see, we are dedicated to making sure you have everything you need to create long term success.

We will bring you the principles of the Future Fitness Lifestyle and guide you through the Future Fitness Process

We will cycle and guide you through each phase depending on your goals, what’s happening in your life and what’s best for you at that moment.

And you’ll be able to cycle through all of these phases with confidence. That’s right, because of our comprehensive support and regular check-ins, your coach will be overlooking everything to optimize your progress so…

You’ll Know Exactly When to Finish Each Phase and Move onto the Next

And that, essentially, is what makes this program so unique.

Unlike Youtube videos, you won’t be overwhelmed or confused. Nor will you have to pay hundreds of euros a month to a personal trainer.

The Future Fitness Academy fits into the ultimate sweet spot…

And a lot of personal trainers are going to be furious with me for making this available… especially since, despite the fact…

You get a detailed step-by-step plan, customised to you, so you know exactly what to do in order to achieve your objectives.

You get a comprehensive training program library, so you never have to stumble through random workouts, not knowing if it’s working.

You get monthly check-ins with a trained coach to ensure you’re on track in achieving your goals.

You get a weekly zoom call with guest speakers on different topics every single week.

You get constant support via messages, or via our Facebook group.

You get 301 exercise tutorials and more than 207 recipes (with all foods easy to access from your local supermarket).

You get access to our education hub, with over 60 videos about sleep, stress, movement, mindset, nutrition and much, much more.

You won’t have to pay anything close to the €400 a month you’d fork out for a personal trainer (2 sessions a week x 4).

I wanted to make this extremely affordable and easy for everyone to join The Academy. So after much discussion with my team, we’ve decided you won’t need to invest €300 a month. Or €200. Or even €100.

I’ve set the price at just €147 for the first 3 months. And then it reverts to just €49 a month. That’s right…

You’ll Pay Less Than the Price of One Personal Training Session Per Month

Yet what you’ll receive is of far, far, far greater value. Let’s do a quick breakdown:

What You Get

Total Value Per Month

The Academy

8 x 1 on 1’s

€400 €400

Customised Plan

€129 €129

Training Library

€49 €49

Monthly check-ins

€69 €69

Weekly Zoom Calls

€39 €39

Facebook Group

€49 €49

App Support

€69 €69

301 exercise tutorials

€29 €29

207 recipes

€49 €49

Education Hub

€39 €39

Total Value:

€521 €400

You Pay:

€49 €400

You Save:

€472 €0

As you can see from this chart, The Future Fitness Academy is a bargain of a lifetime for someone who is truly serious about finding a sustainable approach to getting long term results.

If that isn’t enough, anyone in our Future Fitness Academy will have free entry into our 12 WEEK CHALLENGES that we will be running across the year.

What’s more, the money is actually irrelevant because…

You Also Get A 3 Month No Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here’s how it works: Join the Academy, try out the customised plan, follow the recipes and exercises from the training library, get engaged in the Facebook group and zoom calls, and soak up all the knowledge you can from our education hub. And if, for any reason or no reason at all, you aren’t completely satisfied after 3 entire months – by which time these clients had experienced results like this following our methods…

Just send an email to [email protected] or a message to your coach, and I’ll personally guarantee you get a complete refund of every cent you’ve invested for your initial 3 month membership. No questions asked. No hoops to jump through. No problems at all.

Why am I being so generous?

Once you experience the remarkable system within The Future Fitness Academy I’m confident you’ll never want to leave because…

I will go above and beyond to ensure you get the results you deserve.

I will set you up for the rest of your life.

And if you follow my guidance, I will change the way you look, think and feel for the rest of your life.

So now the balls in your court.

You have three options…

You could do nothing, and stay the same.

Second, you could slip back into old habits, do more of the wrong things and see things getting worse and worse over time.

Or finally, you could take the road less travelled, grab the bull by the horns and start following the steps inside The Future Fitness Academy and get results like our tribe…

I’ve dedicated my life to health and fitness, and I stake my reputation on my promises.

Remember, when you join us, you are not following a cookie cutter plan.

It’s a program customised to your needs, which is adjusted based on your lifestyle so you achieve the results you want, without giving up your life in the process.

This is what I wanted years ago, when I first started out and didn’t think it was possible to be in shape while also having a life.

I’ve been working on this program for over 14 years, with a total of 4,872 hours in research and development. It’s a culmination of my life’s work, and I honestly want to share this incredible program with you…

BECAUSE IT WORKS – In Fact, You’ll Never Feel Like You’re On A Diet

So click here right now to lock in your spot. You have nothing to lose… and I promise you, you’re going to love the way this program will make your body look and feel in a very short period of time.


Matt Cooney

P.S. Please order right now, while you’re still reading. There’s zero risk, and no reason at all not to try The Future Fitness Academy for yourself. So don’t let this moment in time slip through your fingers. Click here to grab this remarkable programme now.



Sources for Studies:

Type of support:

Long term weight loss: