”I really cant tell you how this plan has changed my life. I am now the lightest I have been in 11 years. I’ve spent this time yoyoing between the same 6-9 pounds.
I have gotten much more from this plan than I could ever have imagined and my mind set around food has definitely changed. I don’t crave takeaways anymore. I feel great every morning I wake up. My energy has improved so much. Life is truly great!
To keep myself on track I’m going to join the gym and hopefully this will help with the motivation for the workouts.
I’m delighted with the progress I made. I now no longer hate my weighing scales as I now know if they are up, then they will come down just as quick in a few days.
I hope now that the plan is finished I can carry on working on my health and positive body image.”
– Louise
Matt’s thoughts;
”It was amazing to see all the progress Louise mad over the 8 weeks. She got into a really good routine from the start and developed really good habits around her diet.
She still enjoyed the odd night out but was able to get straight back on track after it.
She is such a positive person and motivated every body else in the group.
Louise lost 13.5 lbs and 24 inches from her measurements. Unbelievable results!”