”At first, the biggest difficulty was the all the meal planning and weighing food but now its second nature to me, especially after I realized how much extra food/calories I was putting on my plate before the programme.
Of course craving & temptations creep in but you have given us so many healthy alternatives to “bad food” that taste just as good, so that definitely helps in not giving in to them.
I’m really enjoying finally having structure in my diet & training. I’m also spending almost half the time in the gym than I used and actually seeing results that I didn’t before.
I’m definitely in the best shape I’ve ever been in and felt a lot more confident going on holidays than I ever have before.
Also since coming back from my holiday, the weight is starting to fall off nicely and all it took was to get back into my normal routine and not doing any crazy dieting/gyming which I’m more than happy about.
I see it as a lifestyle change rather than just a quick fix for holidays.
Thanks so much again for everything, no one could ever fault your dedication and passion for what you do.
Looking forward to getting stuck in again in September for the next one.”
– Niamh
Matt’s thoughts;
”Niamh came to us with the goal of improving her nutrition so she could look her best for a Summer holiday.
She wanted to find a sustainable way to keep on track with her diet and training that she could keep up once the programme ended. Not just a quick fix for a holiday!
She got into a really good routine with her gym programme and her strength went way up over the course of the programme!
She lost 3.5 lbs and a massive 19 inches from her measurements.
This is why it is so important to measure progress with other methods besides just using a weighing scales! The scales doesn’t always reflect the actual progress that is happening.
The pictures speak for themselves!! Such a big difference! Amazing results.”