WORKOUT 1 – Upper Body A – Shoulders, Chest & Back
1A) Prone Y Raise (2 seconds pause at top)
12 to 15 reps
1B) Seated DB Lateral Raises
Go 1-2 reps from failure, then move to 1C.
1C) Bottom Half Lateral Raises
Aim for 10+ reps.
1D) DB Shoulder Press
AMRAP – as many reps as possible.
****Do 2 rounds of these 4 exercises. Rest 2-3 min between rounds.****
**In week 3, do an extra round so 3 rounds in total.**
2A) 2 DB Pullovers
10-15 reps
2B) DB Skullcrushers
10-15 reps
****Superset 2A) and 2B for 3 sets.****
3A) Pushups
2 sets x AMRAP (as many reps as possible.)
**In week 3, do an extra set of pushups so 3 sets in total.**
4A) Dips
2 sets x AMRAP (as many reps as possible.)
5A) Reverse Crunches
2 sets x 10-20 reps.
WORKOUT 2 – Lower Body A – Legs & Arms
1A) Bulgarian Split Squats – Paused
– 10 to 15 reps.
1B) Reverse Nordic Curl
Go until 1-2 reps from failure, then move to 1C.
(This is very hard!!! If you need to make it easier, you can use a band – attach it to something and hold on to it as you lower yourself back)
1C) DB Goblet Squat
– 10 to 20+ reps.
(Stop about 1 rep from failure)
3 rounds of all exercises.
2-3 min rest between rounds.
2A) Swiss Ball/Foam Roller/Towel Leg Curls
– 10-15 reps.
(If you dont have a swiss ball or foam roller, you can use a towel or your socks on a surface that will slide.)
2B) DB RDLS – paused
Pause at the bottom of each rep to feel stretch in hamstrings.
Use a slower tempo if you need to make it harder.
– 10-15 reps.
Rest and repeat these 2 exercises for 3 sets.
3A) Glute Bridges
– 20-second hold
– 20 reps
– 20-second hold on the last rep.
Rest and repeat for a total of 2 sets.
4A) Spider curls
(elbows out in front.)
– 10 to 15 reps
4B) Incline Curls
(elbows behind the body)
– 10 to 15 reps
4C) DB Curls
– AMRAP – as many reps as possible.
Go to failure.
2 rounds of these 3 exercises.
5A) Plank
-2 x holds.
WORKOUT 3 – Upper Body B – Chest, Shoulders & Back
1A) Paused Pushups
– 10 to 20 reps
(use a band to make it harder. To make it easier go from an incline or from your knees.)
1B) Floor Fly’s – paused
– 10 to 20 reps
1C) Pushups
Stop about 1 rep from failure.
1D) Underhand DB Low to High Fly’s
– 8 to 12 reps
Really focus here on squeezing your chest as hard as you can at the top and hold for 2-3 seconds on each rep.
Do 2 rounds of these 4 exercises. Rest 2-3 min between rounds.
2A) Lu Raises
– 15 to 20 reps
2B) DB Bent over row
– 15 to 20 reps
(use a resistance band instead of DB’s if you have one available.)
Rest for 1 minute and do 3 sets of these 2 exercises.
Slow tempo on the way down for raises & squeeze on each rep for the rows.
3) DB Lateral Raise – 10 to 1 ladder.
– 10 reps / rest 10 seconds
– 9 reps / rest 9 seconds
1 rep / rest 1 second.
4) Rear Delt Finisher
– Butterfly Raises – 10 to 15 reps
– Rear Delt Fly – 20+ reps
– Rear Delt Rows – 20+ reps
– Rear Delt Swings – AMRAP
1 round of these 4 exercises.
(you can do these seated if you have a bench.)
5) Deadbugs
– 2 sets of 10 reps each side.
WORKOUT 4 – Lower Body B – Legs & Arms
1A) Single Leg Glute Bridge
– 10 each leg
– 2-second squeeze on each rep.
(You can use the couch and do a single-leg hip thrust instead if you like)
1B) Sumo DB Deadlifts – Paused
– 15 to 20 reps
(Use a heavier DB if you have one.)
1C) DB Hip thrust
– 20+ reps
Go until 1 rep from failure. When you think you have reached failure, give me 10 more 😛
Squeeze hard on each rep.
If you have a band wear it & drive your knees out at the top of each rep.
(Place a DB on hips to make it harder.)
3 rounds of these 3 exercises. 2 min rest between rounds.
2A) DB Good Mornings
– 10 to 15 reps
2B) Reverse Lunges- alternating
– 10 to 15 reps
Take 1-2 minutes rest and repeat superset for 3 sets total.
3A) Single Arm DB Overhead Extension
– 12 to 15 reps
Last set push to failure (go past 15 if you have to)
Just alternate between arms with no rest.
– 3 sets on each arm.
4A) DB Curls into Hammer Curls
– 2 sets
As you fatigue with the normal curls (around 8 to 15 reps), move straight into hammer curls and keep going until failure.
5A) Shoulder Taps
(Keep core tight and don’t let the hips twist)
– 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.