Protein Waffles
If you don’t have a waffle maker, you could use this batter to make pancakes instead! Protein Waffles 1 egg2 egg whites1 scoop flavoured whey protein powder1/4 teaspoon baking powder30 g coconut flour ((or any flour))50 mls almond milk ((or any low cal...
Chocolate & Orange Overnight Oats
Chocolate & Orange Overnight Oats 40g oats100g fat free Greek yogurt20g chocolate protein powder10g cocoa powder100ml almond milk ((or any milk))1/2 medium sized juice of an orangezest of an orange5g cacao nibs or grated dark chocolate In a bowl, add the oats,...
Overnight Oats
Overnight Oats Overnight Oats40g oats20g flavoured protein powder ((Myprotein salted caramel used in this recipe))100g fat free Greek yogurt100ml almond milk100g frozen berriesToppings5g cacao nibs2-3 frozen berries (for decoration) In a container, mix all the...