JANUARY 19th 2018 Live Q&A

JANUARY 19th 2018 Live Q&A

Topics covered in this Q&A:- Digestion (bloating/constipation when starting a diet)- Swapping foods in your diet.- Not being able to finish meals.- Protein powder and it’s importance.- Is there a best exercise to lose body fat in a certain area?- Tips for...
Macronutrients (Protein)

Macronutrients (Protein)

Once we have our calorie intake set, the next thing we need to look at is protein intake. Protein is the most important of the three macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats) if we want to lose body fat or build...
Macronutrients (Carbs & Fats) & Micronutrients

Macronutrients (Carbs & Fats) & Micronutrients

Once we have our calorie intake set and we are getting enough protein, the next thing we look at is carbs/fats and micronutrients. Protein is the most important of the three macronutrients if we want to lose body fat or build muscle. After that then we can be flexible...


Now that we have established the importance of calories, macronutrients (protein, fats, carbs) and micronutrients (fruit and veg), the next thing we need to look at is adherence. Adherence comes down to your habits and routines!! It is so important that we find a way...