ATTENTION: TO ALL LADIES & GENTS WHO WANT TO take control of their training & nutrition heading into the christmas, accelerate their progress AND SKYROCKET THEIR CONFIDENCE… 

The next ‘Six Week Challenge’ is just about to kick off after 1000’s have graduated over the past few years and made serious changes – for good… 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I haven’t felt this good in years…”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  “Matt and the team have changed my life forever…”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  “Honestly can’t believe what was possible in such a short time – I’ll never need another ‘diet’ again!”


Over the next 6 weeks, we are going to help you take control of your health, nutrition and mindset to lose bodyfat and make sure you head into Christmas feeling your best… 

December Intake Is Now Open! Challenge starts 31st October - Last Day To Sign Up Is Friday 28th October (or when all spaces have been filled)








What Will You Expect On This Program:

Intelligent Approach To Fat Loss (Our 3 phased system with the simple & most effective strategies – what the magazines don’t want you to know…) 

A Sustainable & Enjoyable Diet (including your favourite foods, drinks and to compliment your busy lifestyle…) 

Effective Home or Gym Workouts which don’t require you to spend hours working out and will give you the most return for your time. (No more winging it or random workouts…) 

Online Coaching for support, accountability and education

Long-term success far beyond the challenge (this system is easy to follow and you’ll be able to keep it up for life – because it’s a lifestyle not a diet!)  

Let me and the team help you look and feel your best HEADING INTO THE END OF 2022!

Learn The Methods. Get The Results.

Listen, I’m not sure what brought you to this page…

Maybe the summer beer gardens, BBQ’s and weddings went a little heavier than you expected this year.

Maybe you feel like you’ve been stuck in a rut, piled on the pounds over the last year and just feel like crap.

Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a while but never followed through and now is the opportunity to take the bull by the horns, put yourself first and embark on that ‘thing’ you’ve been putting off.

Maybe you need that structure in place to help you control your diet, stop snacking on junk and put a routine in place that will manage your cravings, stop you eating all the wrong foods at the wrong times and that actually suits your lifestyle.

Maybe you’ve recently had kids and want to get back in shape and feel good so you can have the energy to truly be there for them as the best version of yourself.

Maybe you need the accountability to make sure you are doing the right things and seeing the results for the time and effort you are putting into your training and diet.

Maybe you’re unhappy every time you look in the mirror and it’s starting to make you feel down, affect your confidence and happiness.

Or maybe you’re fed up your weight yo-yoing up and down, being ‘all or nothing’ and want to learn the correct way to diet so you can lose it permanently. (So the summer yo-yo doesn’t have to ever happen again!)

Whatever the reason, I can promise you’ll never hear me talking about fad diets, special formulas, ‘hidden secrets’ or any other B.S. because…

No fad diets, special formulas, ‘hidden secrets’ or any other B.S. because…

These Types of Rackets are Why You Haven’t Been Able to Lose Weight

And if you’re like most people I’ve met you’ve tried hard… Maybe you’ve tried all the low carb, no-carb, juice diets and slimming clubs. Perhaps you’ve joined a gym and go 3-4 times a week, work out hard and are on a diet but… Nothing seems to happen at all. You’ll never guess the number of people I speak with who was going to a gym for years without any structure to their workouts and zero organisation with their diet.

And then there’s those who will track their calories, but really just starve themselves on 1200 calories, and walk for miles every day for a week or two. They want the best results, but they just don’t have the knowledge and have been misinformed by their coaches, or the books or youtube videos they’ve watched.

The end result: They End Up Working Twice as Hard for Half the Results Or follow a plan that’s simply unsustainable over the long term…

Over the last 10 years, I’ve helped 1000’s of men and women transform their bodies without….


Eating dull tasteless diets (that only trigger massive weekend binges and put you back at square one)


Spending hours in the gym or doing long boring cardio sessions (that only leave you feeling tired, frustrated and doesn’t suit your busy lifestyle)


Pricey supplements (that burn a hole in your wallet)

We provide you with an easy to follow, step by step system which allows you to…

Drop bodyfat and keep it off while eating foods you enjoy.

Increase your energy and confidence.

Build a better mindset and new habits along the way.

A lot can be achieved in 6 weeks with the right plan, support, coaching and accountability…

Why choose our fat loss challenge?

You Are About To Get Access to:

Tailored nutrition plan

Comprehensive setup guide for your nutrition, training and mindset

Full Recipe Library with over 200 recipes

Meal planner

Our Private Client Portal

Over 30 Educational Modules covering all aspects (stress, energy digestion, sleep, habits and much more)

Eating out and Alcohol guides

Consistent education and guidance.

6 Week Home or Gym Programme tailored to your level

Exercise library and tutorials for all exercises

Progress Tracker

Private Facebook Group

Lifestyle and mindset coaching

Constant support and accountability from me and the team.

Weekly Q & A’s and challenges.


Lifetime Access to our recipe and exercise library!

Total Value – €499 €149

Are You Ready To Change The Way You Look, Feel And Think Forever?

Clients who took on the program

Nothing is Complicated, Yet the Attention to Detail in This Program is Second to None

Long Term Sustainable Changes

At MCfuturefitness, We Don’t Just Talk About Life Long Results, We Deliver Them!

Still Not Convinced? Check out our Instagram or Website to see more of our results!

Meet YOUR Coach

Matt Cooney

I’ve spent years studying everything I can on training and nutrition to try and achieve a better body. Just achieving results is not enough for us; we want you to understand THE WHY behind the results.

We aim to empower you to understand the process so that you can continue to get results for the rest of your life. Unfortunately for me, the first 5 years were spent reading the wrong information.


My aim is to teach you the principles that make these training programs and diets work.

What you will NOT find here:

  • FAD diets
  • Special formulas
  • Hidden secrets

What we teach at MCFuturefitness is nothing new. The philosophies and methods we use have been around for years but have been buried underneath all the B.S.

Our Process

The ‘’No B.S Method’’

Don't Sell Bullshit

You will never find us selling something that we don’t fully believe in. Our training and nutrition methods are based on proven scientific principles and methods. People like Alan Aragon, Dr Brad Schoenfeld, Dr Mike Israteal, Dr Eric Helms, Lyle McDonald, Dr Mike Zourdos, Martin MacDonald…

Eliminate All The bullshit

This industry is flooded with people claiming to have found the newest way to lose weight, get fit, build muscle or improve your health. All their claims are backed up with nothing. We aim to cut through all the bullshit to give you the information that you need and show you how it actually works.

Don't Speak Bullshit

We are very careful in making sure that we don’t talk about things that we are not certain of. I have no issue in telling you I don’t know something, nobody knows everything. But I will invest time into making sure that I have an answer for you or direct you somewhere to get the answer. 

How To Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a member of a gym?

No. We also have a home workout option in the course! You will just need a set of DB’s or KB’s and you can workout in the comfort of your own home!

What happens the minute I join?

As soon as you join, you’ll get a welcome email and have immediate access to the course. You will then be guided through a step by step process to get you all setup.

How much time will all this training take?

No more than 2 hours per week. If you can commit more time to training, great! But training is just one small piece of the puzzle. We put a huge focus on nutrition, habits and lifestyle changes as they will be the priority for achieving the results you want.

What if I’m just starting out, will it be too much?

No. You’ll be taught everything you need to know inside the course! It’s structured so that you learn as you go while focusing on the things you need to achieve a fat loss result and keep it off in the long term!

Can I join anytime?

No. We only open our 6-week challenge 1-2 times per year.

Do we have lifetime access?

No. You’ll have access for 70 days once you purchase. This gives you 10 weeks in total! You will, however, be able to keep all of the downloads, programmes and plans. You will also still have access to the portal and areas inside the portal. (Exercise library, recipe library, progress tracker etc) Finally, you will have the opportunity to join our team in our Future Fitness Academy to give you long term support, accountability and help you continue on your fitness journey!

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