”Having done the photoshoot last year I have to say that I found prepping and getting ready for it this year a whole pile easier. I learned al ot from Matt the first time around so all the little tips and tricks (stop drinking and being a show????) that I picked up were much easier to put into practice.
I have to say that Matt has the patience of a saint because I’ll be the first to admit that I am not the easiest client/person/friend/housemate to deal with.
I’m not one for counting calories so Matt was great in helping me on tracking my meals and keeping a structured diet as best we could to get into ‘flash’ shape.
He never pressured me into counting kcals or anything like that but instead gave me an idea of what would best suit me diet wise and what to cut out (Mario’s every weekend and so on). So I kinda had free reign over my diet as long as I kept it in check.
What he did do for me was give me a 5 day a week training program. I really actually enjoyed the process this year and tried my best to make it a laugh. Only for Matt’s knowledge of everything in the field of training and nutrition I’d have never made it to D-Day!!!! All hail MC.”
– Neil Kevin
Matt’s thoughts;
“If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know who this man is!
He’s a valuable part of the MCFuturefitness family and keeps us all on our toes!
Again this year, Neil’s job was to keep the photoshoot team motivated and keep us laughing all the way through! He takes his role very seriously and was able to smash it out of the park.
Neil has his own ways and methods he likes to use to go about things, so my job was to just try to steer him in the right direction as best I could! Knowing that if I tried to push him too hard he would go the other way!! (Straight to the pub! ;P )
By just using some simple habits, strategies and tips, we were able to get him in better shape than the previous year and we were both delighted with the end product.”