Macronutrients (Carbs & Fats) & Micronutrients

Macronutrients (Carbs & Fats) & Micronutrients

Once we have our calorie intake set and we are getting enough protein, the next thing we look at is carbs/fats and micronutrients. Protein is the most important of the three macronutrients if we want to lose body fat or build muscle. After that then we can be flexible...


So we have talked about calories, macros, micros and adherence. The next thing we need to look at is NEAT. NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis and basically means the calories we burn each day through activities that are not exercise. So steps,...
Consistency Beats Perfection

Consistency Beats Perfection

We have covered the most important things that we need to address when it comes to fat loss/building muscle. – Calories – Am I eating in a calorie deficit/at maintenance/in a calorie surplus?– Protein – Am I eating enough protein each day?– Fruit and veg – Does my...
5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Have you been trying to lose weight but find you have been struggling to make any progress or maybe noticed a stall? In this article, I have addressed five areas that I think hold a lot of people back from achieving their weight loss goals. 1.) Portion Distortion We...
Q&A Calories & Macros

Q&A Calories & Macros

Knowing your calorie intake and splitting your macros are extremely important when it comes to setting up your diet but it is not as simple as that. In this short video, I go through some of the factors that we have to consider when setting your...