Consistency Beats Perfection

Consistency Beats Perfection

We have covered the most important things that we need to address when it comes to fat loss/building muscle. – Calories – Am I eating in a calorie deficit/at maintenance/in a calorie surplus?– Protein – Am I eating enough protein each day?– Fruit and veg – Does my...


Just like sleep, stress is often overlooked when it comes to fat loss or building muscle. Check out the video below to find out how stress effects progress and how we can manage it...


Sleep is a very important part of overall health and is often forgotten about when it comes to fat loss. Watch this video and find out why sleep is so important and ways you can improve...


So we have talked about calories, macros, micros and adherence. The next thing we need to look at is NEAT. NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis and basically means the calories we burn each day through activities that are not exercise. So steps,...


Now that we have established the importance of calories, macronutrients (protein, fats, carbs) and micronutrients (fruit and veg), the next thing we need to look at is adherence. Adherence comes down to your habits and routines!! It is so important that we find a way...