Cookies & Creme Overnight Oats
Cookies & Creme Overnight Oats Overnight Oats40 g oats100 mls unsweetened almond milk ((or any milk))20 g flavoured protein powder ((cookies & cream, vanilla, chocolate – any you like))50 g fat free Greek yoghurtCookies & Creme Glaze Topping20...
Creamy Chicken & Chorizo Pasta
Creamy Chicken & Chorizo Pasta 2 cloves garlic75 g diced white onion40 g sliced reduced fat chorizo200 g diced chicken breast100 g broccoli100 g sliced mushrooms8 cherry tomatoes60 g extra light cream cheese15 g wholegrain mustard50 mls skimmed...
Baked Raffaello Oats
Baked Raffaello Oats 200 mls unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)25 g flavoured protein powder ((any flavour you have – I used white chocolate))40 g oats1 banana ((approx. 75g))10 g desiccated coconut flakes5 g white chocolate chips1 Raffaello ball...