Honey Garlic Chicken
Honey Garlic Chicken 600 g diced chicken breasts30 g cornflour3 cloves grated garlic50 g honey30 g light soy sauce20 g vinegarSalt & pepper1kcal spray In a bowl, add the soy sauce, honey and vinegar.Mix well and leave aside.Season the diced chicken with...
Summer Rolls
Summer Rolls 20 rice paper spring roll wrappers ((available in most Asian supermarkets or sometimes the Asian aisles in a normal supermarket))280 g pressed tofu ((can sub for chicken/prawns))75 g red pepper ((you can use any selection of veg you like))75 g...
Caprese Salad
Caprese Salad 2 medium vine ripened tomatoes ((approx. 200g))1 package reduced fat fresh mozzarella cheese ((approx. 125g drained weight))1 handful basil leaves20 g balsamic glazeSalt & pepper Slice the tomatoes and reduced fat mozzarella.Arrange on a plate...
Red Pepper Pasta
Red Pepper Pasta 150 g pasta ((raw weight))1/2 finely chopped onion ((approx. 75g))2 cloves grated garlic1 jar roasted red peppers ((approx. 300g drained weight))100 mls skimmed milkSalt & pepperParsley1 kcal spray Heat a pan on a medium heat and spray well...